Not as cute as Candice Swanepoel? You're not alone! Meet 22 people wholook worse than you in swimwear

While the rest of us cough and stumble our way through winter, the world's fittest woman is looking bright-eyed and breathtaking in the Caribbean.

Almost too hot to function, she was snapped cavorting for the cameras in tiny swimwear this week.

And that sunkissed skin, pert rear and stunning face are enough to make a pasty Brit weep.

Most women will never look like her - and most men will never pull her.

Depressed yet? Don't be. Because things could be worse - you could look like this lot.

Banish those feelings of inadequacy and bask in the warm glow of knowing you'll never look this bad in the sand.

Candice Swanepoel

Perfection ... Candice Swanepoel flaunts the beach look we'll never match

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1) There is almost nothing compact about these discs. And yet we love her.

Beach wear fail

2) The future is anything but bright for this straining orange one-piece. Yikes.

Beach wear fail

3) This man is clearly exceeding the speedo limit. Shame his can of Cuprinol ran out.

Beach wear fail

4) We are guessing this tasty treat's name is Prune-ella. Like a sausage with the stuffing taken out.

Beach wear fail

5) This man's tattoo may be monster but his tackle would shame a small kitten.

Beach wear fail

6) This lass looks like she's eyeing up lunch - may we suggest a roll?


7) She wore an itsy bitsy, teeny weeny, way-too-tight-for-her bikini. Ass-tounding.

Beach wear fail

8) Someone should call a halter this kind of beachwear for lads. Still, the bloke on the left's got a decent pair.

Beach wear fail

9) No matter how hard we try, we can't drag our eyes from this man's peachy rear. Just wrong.

Beach wear fail

10) Sometimes thongs aren't all they're cracked up to be. Terrifying stuff.

Beach wear fail

11) This woman sure boobed in the changing room - she's got her costume on back to front.


12) It's the teddy we feel sorry for....


13) It's no wonder this bum has tucked into a thong - it looks positively starving. Eat something, lady!

Beach wear fail

14) This lad's face says it all. Who knew Land Of Leather had a sale on?


15) Never has a pair of trunks failed so badly to assert its identity. Heartbreaking.

Epic fails

16) There's nothing wrong with a mum tum - but shopping in Baby Gap for swimwear was a bad decision.


17) Bot on earth was this elderly gent thinking? Put some shorts on pronto, Gramps.


18) Tiny bikini briefs on a fella? Man that look's sarong!


19) This hot mess should be arrested for accessory to murder.


20) Nothing about the man on the right's face or body makes sense. There's thumbthing very wrong with this photo.

Fail Feature

21) Krusty the Clown enjoys a stroll as much as the next man. If the next man is wearing a fuchsia bikini and full make-up.


22) This lad's having a whale of a time. Somebody call Greenpeace...


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